Sunday, February 27, 2011


Friend, Barbara came for a visit and brought fresh strawberries from South Louisiana with her. They are SO SWEET and delicious! A fragile berry---they do not last long-so I baked a pie today with those we had not eaten. Strawberry pie is a wonderful way to use up the remaining berries. This recipe is fast and easy!

Bake 1-9 " pie crust

Mash 1 pint of the berries in a heavy saucepan (I use my potato masher)

Add 3/4 c. sugar

3 T. cornstarch dissolved in 1/2 c. water

Bring this to a boil and cook about ten minutes on simmer until it thickens.

Pour over the pie shell which has a pint of sliced strawberries in it.

Chill for several hours and serve with whipped cream.

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