Saturday, April 9, 2011


In an effort to keep the recipes coming------I will give you an OLDY--but---GOODY from the LONG ago days of working full time and raising a family. I can not tell you HOW MANY times I cooked this over the years---but certainly once a week for more than I care to admit to! EASY ROAST

1. 1 Chuck Roast (or any other cut you prefer)-----FROZEN

2. 1 can cream of mushroom soup

3. 1 envelope of onion soup mix

Put the roast in a sheet of heavy duty foil which is large enough to seal it up with. Put mushrom soup on top of Sprinkle onion soup mix over SEAL foil Put in 250 degree cold oven and leave for 4 hours. Comes out perfect every time with the gravy already made!

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